Tuesday, February 23, 2016


So I have the next post in my head... It's coming. I promise. It even has a name... Duplicity. BUT for the moment I wanted to write a little short post and go off on a little tangent for a minute. And here's why... Because I think it's an important part of understanding me, my story, and my storytelling.

My oldest son has special needs, part of which includes ADHD. As I learn about him, I learn about myself. I've come to realize that I'm probably a little ADHD myself (the AD part not the HD part... He's both parts.) Yes, I know. I'm self-diagnosing. Yes, I know. Internet quizzes are not a doctor. But in my defense, one of his therapists agrees with me!

I believe that some of my anxiety issues stem from this. Though I've always just coped with it and will probably never go to get officially diagnosed, it's part of me. It affects me. I lack filters. I'm not referring to my words, though it can occasionally (and perhaps more often than I like to admit) apply there too.  I lack sensory filters... I often feel like my brain is trying to take in and process too much at once. So then it's either distracted, overwhelmed, or trying to zone out.

My thoughts are just as active as my senses. I can't tell you how many blog posts I have composed in my head over the last two or so years. I'm easily distracted and so easily overwhelmed by all of my thoughts, that I just don't even know where to begin. So when it comes to this blog, I want you to know I've got ideas. I've got things I want to share. But finding time to sort it, process it, make a decision, and write it, all while not being distracted by life around me, can be tricky (especially with so many littles). And truth be told, my family comes first. SO please be patient with me as I try to figure all of this out, and keep coming back to share in my story.


This is meant to be a safe place for me to share and to have others share their stories in return. SO with that being said, please follow the rule 'If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.'