Monday, February 15, 2016


I cry. A. LOT. Ask my husband, he won't disagree.

Tears are a form of communication for me. When my heart and soul feel more emotion than my physical body can handle, those emotions escape in the form of tears. Some times the tears drip over the edge of a too full bucket. Some times the tears come in a torrent like a sudden afternoon shower that lasts for only a few moments. Some times the tears come like a river breaking a dam and flooding, damaging, cleansing, healing, hardly ceasing. Needing time to recover from them.

They come because of pain. sorrow. heartbreak. They come because of joy. happiness. laughter. They come because of shame. guilt. broken-ness. They come because of repentance. forgiveness. They come because of frustration. anger. They come because of love. God's love. They come because of loneliness. darkness. anxiety. depression. They come because of friendship. acceptance. They come because my heart and soul know and understand something that my mind doesn't comprehend. They come because I am human. They come because I am me.

Even when life is unpredictable, unsure, and a roller coaster of ups and downs, I can find comfort in my tears because eventually, they always come.

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